300,000-year-old hearth found

Humans, by most estimates, discovered fire over a million years ago. But when did they really begin to control fire and use it for their daily needs? That question -- one which is central to the subject of the rise of human culture -- is still hotly debated. A team of Israeli scientists recently discovered in the Qesem Cave, an archaeological site near present-day Rosh Ha'ayin, the earliest evidence -- dating to around 300,000 years ago -- of unequivocal repeated fire building over a continuous period. These findings not only help answer the question, they hint that those prehistoric humans already had a highly advanced social structure and intellectual capacity.

Read more : http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/01/140127101236.htm

Date : January 27,2014
Source : Weizmann Institute of Science

How many years since Fu Xi ?

According to two ancient books:

from the book of The Lie Zi ( chapter 7: Yang Chu《列子·楊朱》:

" Certainly, it is difficult to record how many years from the ancient times to now, however, since Fu Xi, now it have been more than 300,000 years".

and, from " Yi Wei Bian Zhong Bei " 易緯辨終備, written by Zheng Xuan 鄭玄 (127-200) in Han dynasty, (Emperor Shun of Han 漢順帝, Yonghe 136 永和元年) :

" it have been 493,989 years since Fu Xi."

The Early Heaven and Later Heaven Diagrams

The Early Heaven and Later Heaven Diagrams