Fu Xi taught his people to fish by a net

Fu Xi is the hero of the ancient Chinese people, from the I ching, the book of changes, it says that Fu Xi creates the Bagau by his observation of the nature phenomenon, and from the phenomenon of the Li trigram (離卦), Fu Xi taught his people to fish by a net.

fu xi bagau, li trigram

Note : Li trigram represents eyes, so the net have many eyes.

And from the Li trigram, we see that there is a Xun trigram (巽卦) inside, which represents rope, a Dui trigram (兌卦) which represents bending, then a net is made by rope to catch the fish and animals. Furthermore, there is a big Kan trigram (坎卦), which means water, and in a dangerous place. All of these phenomenon is a picture of fishing and hunting.

300,000-year-old hearth found

Humans, by most estimates, discovered fire over a million years ago. But when did they really begin to control fire and use it for their daily needs? That question -- one which is central to the subject of the rise of human culture -- is still hotly debated. A team of Israeli scientists recently discovered in the Qesem Cave, an archaeological site near present-day Rosh Ha'ayin, the earliest evidence -- dating to around 300,000 years ago -- of unequivocal repeated fire building over a continuous period. These findings not only help answer the question, they hint that those prehistoric humans already had a highly advanced social structure and intellectual capacity.

Read more : http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/01/140127101236.htm

Date : January 27,2014
Source : Weizmann Institute of Science

How many years since Fu Xi ?

According to two ancient books:

from the book of The Lie Zi ( chapter 7: Yang Chu《列子·楊朱》:

" Certainly, it is difficult to record how many years from the ancient times to now, however, since Fu Xi, now it have been more than 300,000 years".

and, from " Yi Wei Bian Zhong Bei " 易緯辨終備, written by Zheng Xuan 鄭玄 (127-200) in Han dynasty, (Emperor Shun of Han 漢順帝, Yonghe 136 永和元年) :

" it have been 493,989 years since Fu Xi."

The Early Heaven and Later Heaven Diagrams

The Early Heaven and Later Heaven Diagrams