Fu Xi taught his people to fish by a net

Fu Xi is the hero of the ancient Chinese people, from the I ching, the book of changes, it says that Fu Xi creates the Bagau by his observation of the nature phenomenon, and from the phenomenon of the Li trigram (離卦), Fu Xi taught his people to fish by a net.

fu xi bagau, li trigram

Note : Li trigram represents eyes, so the net have many eyes.

And from the Li trigram, we see that there is a Xun trigram (巽卦) inside, which represents rope, a Dui trigram (兌卦) which represents bending, then a net is made by rope to catch the fish and animals. Furthermore, there is a big Kan trigram (坎卦), which means water, and in a dangerous place. All of these phenomenon is a picture of fishing and hunting.

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